Pay Off Your High-Interest Credit Card Debt With a Personal Loan
Pay off your credit card debt faster and pay less in interest with a personal loan for credit card debt.

Why Use a Personal Loan to Pay Off Credit Card Debt?
Using a personal loan to pay off your credit card debt makes a lot of sense for many people. Below are some of the reasons consumers cite for paying off credit card debt with a personal loan.

How Does Paying Off Credit Card Debt With a Personal Loan Work?
Here’s how easy it is to consolidate your credit card debt.
Instant Match to the Best Options
AmONE’s easy and smart process is fast because your solutions are tailored to your unique needs.
Highly Rated Lenders Are Forwarded
Targeted personal loan solutions bring the top lenders to you. Compare your options and choose.
Always Safe, Secure, & Confidential
Your personal information stays protected and private.
U.S. Based Live Support
Our expert loan matching specialists are ready guide you through the process when you need help.
Credit Card Debt Loans FAQs
Learn more about credit card consolidation loans.
When you get any kind of loan, the lender will do a credit check. This may cause a drop of a few points on your credit score, but it’s usually temporary. If you’re struggling to make your credit card payments, a credit card loan could help your credit if it becomes easier to make your payments on time every time because on-time payments help your credit.
Some, but not all, lenders charge an origination fee. It’s usually based on the total amount of your loan. It may be taken out of your loan amount, so be sure to take that into consideration when stating the amount you’d like to borrow. Look for personal loans that do not come with a fee for paying off your loan early, known as a prepayment penalty.
To get the best interest rates and terms on a debt consolidation loan, you’ll need to have good credit. However, there are some lenders who will work with borrowers who have fair or poor credit. The loan matchers at AmONE can help you find a debt solution no matter what your credit score is.